Cleaning sofas in Holon
The living room is the place where we spend most of the day together with our family, guests and even the animals stay there most of the day.
A sofa cleaning service in Holon will help you get rid of all the hard stains, the unpleasant smells and even the animal hairs.
Why spend thousands of shekels on upholstery and not order sofa cleaning in Holon for a quarter of the price?
Contact us today and we will be happy to help with the cleaning and also save you a lot of money.
Cleaning sofas in Holon, how is it?Employee?
The cleaning itself is carried out with the help of a professional upholstery cleaning machine that injects boiling water and substances and on the other side a child vacuums everything back with the dirt that has accumulated inside your sofas.
With the exact same method, we also clean mattresses, carpets, dining room chairs and car upholstery.
We clean leather sofas in Holon by gentler cleaning, which is done with a horsehair brush and microfiber cloths so as not to cause damage to the leather.
Cleaning sofas in Holon How much does it cost?
The price is not uniform in any case since it depends on the types of fabrics, the size of the sofas and their condition.
On average, the price for cleaning sofas in Holon or anywhere else in Israel ranges from ninety to one hundred and fifty shekels per seat in the worst case.
What is a bad case?
Living rooms made of cotton fabric or Impala, for example, are particularly dirty.
In this type of situation, we will have to perform several washes until a reasonable result is obtained.